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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Orang Asli Mah Meri

At the entrance of Perkampungan Orang Asli Suku Kaum Mah Meri.

Penduduk yang saya jumpa kebanyakkannya terlibat dalam industri seni ukiran dan kraftangan. anyaman daripada daun nipah dijadikan penanda buku (they manage to make 10 per day), sampul telefon (it takes 2 weeks to finish) and bakul etc. Tempahan datang daripada persendirian, jabatan hal ehwal orang asli dan mereka turut membuka gerai di pameran tertentu di sekitar kuala lumpur, negeri sembilan dan melaka.

Satu Daerah Satu Industri

Hasil anyaman

One of the workshop..a lot of faces..

Owner of the workshop in action!!
with his favorite mask.:)

p/s: they hope the mangrove area near their village will not wipe out by the development since source of nipah (main ingredient for anyaman) was not easy to get nowadays. PLEASE SAVE THE MANGROVE for the sake of the Mah Meri survival.